What is CBT?


    Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is an extremely effective evidence based therapy recommended by NICE (National Institute of Clinical Excellence) guidelines that is used to treat a wide range of disorders.


    It looks in detail at how our thoughts, behaviours and emotions can all impact each other and sometimes maintain unhelpful patterns that can be difficult to break away from.


    It is a very collaborative form of therapy which means that we work together to understand what is going on for you and find ways for you to move forward. We set manageable goals together to help you get to the place you need to be.

CBT cognitive behavioural therapy diagram showing the link between emotions, thoughts and behaviours

There is light...

at the end of the tunnel. Take back control of your life!

I use an integrative approach including ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy), Compassion focussed therapy (CFT) and mindfulness. CBT involves practicing strategies between the sessions, and the more you practice these strategies the more you can learn to manage your thoughts and behaviours. The point of CBT is to help enable you to become your own therapist, so you won’t need to see me anymore!

With the right strategies and techniques, you will be able to reduce your stress and anxiety and live a happier, healthier life.

CBT looks at the here and now

but if you want to look in more depth as to where your problems may have originated, we can use the inner child model to help us do this. Low self esteem is often formed in childhood and can sometimes form unhelpful core beliefs which can impact our emotions and behaviours today. Looking at the origins of these core beliefs and working through them using the inner child model can be a very healing process, as it helps us to see how our long held beliefs can have such an effect on our day to day lives.

“You can’t calm the storm, so stop trying. What you can do is calm yourself. The storm will pass”.

Timber Hawkeye