Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid”.

Albert Einstein 

A fully accredited Cognitive Behavioural Psychotherapist (CBT) based in Sittingbourne, Kent UK working with a SEN (Special Educational Needs) child in a therapy session.


Autism affects 1 in 36 children

Boys are almost 5 times more likely to be diagnosed than girls. 

Girls are often under diagnosed and misdiagnosed with other conditions. 

Cognitive behavioural therapy can be adapted for children and adults with autism.

Cognitive behavioural therapy can be adapted for children and adults with autism. Those on the autism spectrum process information differently to those who are neurotypical. CBT can help those on the autistic spectrum manage their problems by looking at the links between their thoughts, behaviours and emotions. This can help them manage any anxiety or other emotions they may be experiencing as they will have more control over their responses to certain situations. CBT can also help people on the autism spectrum better communicate their emotions and how they are feeling more effectively to others around them, which can in turn improve their relationships with people close to them. 

CBT for autism can be adapted in many ways, and how the sessions are adapted will be different for each individual. We can use visual aids, sensory aids, or use any special interests that can be adapted to the work we are doing so that the child/young person is able to relate to it and engage more. We can ensure that we have a structure to follow but be flexible with things when we need to be. My aim is for your child to enjoy the sessions as well as to learn from them! 

If you feel that your child could benefit from adapted CBT for autism, get in touch.